Friday, November 29, 2019
Othello And Hamlet Themes Essays - Othello, Roderigo, Iago
Othello And Hamlet Themes The plays Othello and Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, have many similarities and differences. Two main characters Iago, of Othello, and Hamlet, of Hamlet, can be compared and contrasted through characterization. Characterization is the represent ion of characteristics or motives of a character. Both characters have different character traits which make them truly different from one another, but their ending resolutions are remarkably the same. In Othello, Iago is a very manipulative and cunning character. Iago's entire scheme begins when Cassio is given the position that Iago wanted. Iago then comes up with numerous ideas and plots to steal the position he feels he most deserves. Iago decei s, steals, and kills to gain that position. Iago lies to his loved ones including his wife and friends. Iago tricks Othello into beleiving that his own wife, Desdemona, is having an affair, without any concrete proof. Othello is so caught up in Iago's l s that he refuses to believe Desdemona when she denies the whole thing. Iago also manages to steal from his own friend, Roderigo, without feeling guilty. He uses the money that Roderigo gives him to try and win over Desdemona. When Roderigo discovers th Iago has been using his money he screams at Iago and threatens to kill him. However, Iago being very manipulative tells makes up a plot that involves Roderigo to capture the heart of Desdemona. Roderigo believes Iago and forgets about Iago stealing his oney. Iago's plan is for Roderigo to kill Cassio. At the ending of the play, Iago's plot is given away to Othello by his own wife, Emilia. Iago realizes that his plot has been revealed and sees his wife as an obstacle and an annoying person who has let t his secret, so he kills her. Iago's merciless taking of Emilia, his wife, and Roderigo, his friend, lives is another one of Iago's characteristic of a an immoral human being who's main concern is to protect himself. On the other hand, in Hamlet, Hamle is the perfect example of the tragic hero. Hamlet has all the good traits needed to be a tragic hero. He is brave and daring. One example of this is that when he went to England, he was taking a big risk. If his plan didn't work, he would have been exec ed. Hamlet is also loyal. His loyalty to his father, was the reason he was so angry at Claudius and his Mother. Claudius married King Hamlet's wife shortly after King Hamlet's death. Another trait of Hamlet was that he was intelligent. He was able to t nk up the idea of faking insanity, in order to get more information about Claudius. But Hamlet like all other tragic hero's had a flaw. He couldn't get around to doing anything, because he couldn't move on. It took him a long time to stop grieving about is father, because he didn't want to move past that part of his life. And after he finally did, Hamlet couldn't get around to killing Claudius. He kept pretending he was insane even after he was sure that Claudius killed his father. When Hamlet was chal nged to a fencing match against a chosen opponent from the king Hamlet agrees. Finally, Hamlet is in a state of peace and readiness, accepting his fate. Hamlet has been through a lot in his lifetime. He has been deceived, lied to, and lost the ones he h truly loved. The plays Othello and Hamlet can be compared through their characterization of characters. The final resolutions in both plays seemed to have the same bloody effects of death. In Othello, Iagos' manipulative characteristic led him to death. Iago's manip ative plot of deceit, betrayal, and turmoil led him to his downfall when his plot was revealed. Iago's manipulative plot led to the death of many characters in the play. Desdemona died because her husband did not believe that she was being loyal to him ter Iago proclaimed that she was cheating on Othello. Emilia, Iago's wife, died because she revealed Iago's plot. Roderigo died because he was used and manipulated by Iago. And finally Othello died because he was tricked, by Iago, into believing things thout any known proof. In Hamlet, Hamlet's vengenance for his father's murderer led him to kill Laertes. Gertrude, Hamlet's mother, dies after she accidentally drinks a poisoned glass. After Hamlet sees Gertrude has died, he forces Claudius to drink the emaining poison. Hamlet dies after he is told by the dieing Laertas that
Monday, November 25, 2019
Harvey essays
Harvey essays Josephine Hull as Veta Louise Simmons, The movie, Harvey, is a story originally written for the stage by Mary Chase. In 1950, this film version was produced by Brock Pembertorn and directed by Henry Koster, who also directed Luck of the Irish, and Inspector general, starring Danny Kaye. The story line starts with an introduction to Elwood Dowd; a middle class genius that doesnt work for a living, but lives off of the money his mother left for him, and Harvey; a six foot, three and a half inch tall pooka, who is visible only to those he wishes. Harvey has been a thorn in the side of Veta Louise, Elwoods sister, who has plans to marry off her daughter, Myrtle May. When Veta tries to have Elwood committed in a mental institution, a peculiar mishap occurs and Veta finds herself committed instead. For my selection, I have chosen to do scene 12, entitled Dr. Sanderson. In this scene, Dr. Sanderson, the head of staff for the sanatorium, is wrapping up his belongings to leave after being fired. Dr. Chumley, the owner and head psychiatrist, has fired Dr. Sanderson for being responsible for the above-mentioned mix-up. This scene describes the misunderstanding between Dr. Sanderson and his secretary, Ms. Kelly, and her adoration of him, through music and image clarity. Also, in combination with previous scenes, this scene shows the difference of Dr. Sandersons employment through color and wardrobe. In order to describe Dr. Sanderson and Ms. Kellys misunderstanding of the situation and Ms. Kellys attitude toward Dr. Sanderson, the scene starts out blurred. The same effect could be derived from looking through a puddle of water. The scene also has a slow, melodious, affection-inspiring tune, to imply Ms. Kelly ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Intercultural memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Intercultural memo - Essay Example It is highly probable that we will see members of the other delegation use non verbal gestures for communication. In case you notice such a situation, please do not be offended as it is normal cultural practice in that part of the world. Negotiating Styles A prominent concern will be the negotiating style of the other delegation. Being a consanguine culture, negotiations will be slow to proceed because extensive consultation is part of the culture. Moreover, as the other delegation will be staffed largely by family members so convincing each and every member will be vital. During consultation in the Punjabi culture, especially in the families, the issue of social repercussions is eminent. For example, if a member of the other delegation feels that the deal with our company is detrimental, he may behave like a single issue voter and use social pressure to convince the other members not to deal with our company. Therefore, try not to be offensive during negotiations as the Punjabis rel y on impressions a lot. Another thing to keep in mind is that Punjabi is known as a rude language. People use high tones and volumes during communication which essentially makes the language seem rowdy.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Quality management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5
Quality management - Assignment Example Industrial practice involves design and business measures, workplace wellness and safety, resource control, and social, moral, and environmental stability Six Sigma, Kaizen, Lean, and other alterations on endless improvement can be dangerous to your company’s health. Even Though it may be heresy to state this, current confirmation from Japan and outside implies that it is the moment to examine these techniques (, 2014). Admittedly, endless development once powered Japan’s marketplace. Japanese producers in the year 1950s had repute for bad condition but through the practice of rational and precise change, Japan was capable of moving from worst to first. At the beginning of 1970s, Japans capability to produce low-cost, quality outputs helped them control chief industries, such as automobiles, telecommunications, and customer electronics. To fight with this awesome turnaround, Western societies, beginning with Motorola, started to embrace Japanese techniques. Now, nearly all big Western business, and various lesser ones, advocate for endless development. (, 2014) However, what’s occurred in Japan? In the preceding time Japan’s main electronics firms have wasted an aggregated $21 billion and have been routinely removed by opponents from China, South Korea, and outside. (, 2014)As Fujio Ando, senior operating administrator at Chibagin Asset Management recommends, â€Å"Japan’s purchaser electronics industry is encountering failure. â€Å"Similarly, Japan’s machine industry has been troubled by a list of disturbing quality obstacles, recalls, (, 2014) and has missed market share to firms from South Korea. Viewing beyond Japan, iconic six sigma organizations in the United States, like Motorola and GE, have strived in recent times to be reform leaders. 3M, which funded heavily in endless
Monday, November 18, 2019
Garmin's Vivo Activity Tracker Line Term Paper
Garmin's Vivo Activity Tracker Line - Term Paper Example Developing high-quality data in the devices with measurements can give the company an improved accuracy, intelligence and position as a leading expert in terms of fitness and health. The data should comprise both burn and intake to give the ability to track maximizing accurate quality assessment. Thirdly, there is also the aim to appeal and identify unique user segments. As the firm’s market matures, it needs to have value propositions and focused customer agents. The credibility of being a trusted advisor can get achieved by rich connection and understanding with the company’s user base (Kotler & Kevin 54). Fourthly, Garmin will aim at building loyal customers. Creating a great users base community will be the major metric for the company in globalization space. The user base scale will develop more significant data and give great customer sharing that may only expand bolster user trust and loyalty. Fifthly, the company will use a platform technique. To develop a loyal user base and a lasting experience, Garmin will have to create a full end-to-end system that is functionally integrated. It should base on a uniting platform of the customers community and easily allow digital services, apps, accessories, and devices series are working together. Thus, this path can get achieved through organically developing full ecosystem part or rich partnerships. Lastly, following the above objective, Garmin will aim at building strategic partnerships. Being more intimate with customers’ needs meeting them and understanding where they are in fitness and health life. It means developing partnerships and affiliations with trainers, fitness programs, gyms, professional athletes, diet programs, corporate wellness programs, and insurance providers. It will provide an opportunity to broaden and scale user base at a low-cost marketing/sales model (Kotler & Kevin 36). Garmin’s primary target market will
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The History And Background Of Puma Marketing Essay
The History And Background Of Puma Marketing Essay Puma is a German company that established in 1948 by Rudolf Dassler. Puma produces sport categories such as sport shoes and sport clothing for different types of sports like football and golf. Puma is considered as the third successful brand at this field; the other two companies are Nike and Adidas (Puma, n.d.). The most commonly made Puma products are the athletic Puma shoes and that due to the fact that the first pumas products were shoes. For more details, Puma first football sneaker was produced in 1948 and it was worn in the first football match after the war by the Herbert Burdenski; the scorer who scored the first goal after the war (Puma,n.d.). As well as that, 48% of Puma profits from footwear which makes it the most selling Puma product (Puma, 2013). Puma shoes contain different types of sneakers for different types of sports such as running shoes, football shoes and cricket shoes. Varieties: Puma shoes have a unique design, using the technology; the shoes moulds are injected with the light foam materials by L.I.F.T (Lite Injected Foam Technology). As a result, this way decreases the weight of the shoes which makes the shoes very light and speedy. Moreover, it saves the materials of the shoes/cheaper to make; because with this process there is no need for -sutures and adhesions- process (Nely, 2010). As well as that, Puma shoes designed in a way that allows the feet to breathe some fresh air which makes the shoes smooth and comfortable for the wearer. In addition, the Puma shoes made to prevent friction and sliding so it protects the person who wears them from any accidence (Nely, 2010). Colours: There are the main colours for each type of shoes and also the customers can be customized by the customer. For example, the customer can change the colour of more than 10 parts of the shoe to match the costumers taste; from the outsole to the Puma logo (see appendix 1). This gives the customer who liked the design of the shoes but not its colours the ability to change it to suit his taste and his outfit. Logo: Moreover, the Puma logo stands for a jumping Puma; a type of cats that can leap with a one bounce to twenty feet high. The puma logo is putted on each of Pumas products and its shoes (Mokokoma, 2009). This logo expresses the strength, the speed and the power that Puma have in its shoes. Slogan: In addition, the Puma slogan is the nature of performance which means that every action is real, every attitude is innate and all of the player movements are natural. Puma uses this slogan with most of its shoes with changing the word -performance-. For example, it used slogan the nature of the Speed junkie for evoSPEED 1 FG shoes which gives an idea to the costumers about the main feature of this shoes (Puma, 2012). Personality: Puma personality is all about agility, speed, strength and creative. Its personality can be seen and known just by looking at the pictures they use on Puma website; athletics wearing Puma shoes and they are running agility and flexibility and their face features express the strength they have (see appendix 2). Promotion:- Social media: Puma has many social media accounts; on Facebook . Twitter, Youtube, Tumbler and Instagram as @ Puma which they can be found so easily. On their Facebook Page, they have more than 9 million people who liked their page! They also publish news constantly and include pictures with the resent news; so they avoid make the news boring and hard to read (Puma Facebook, 2013). Moreover, on Youtube, they have their own and official channel since 2005. On Youtube, they promote their selves by uploading videos for their new products or their events and their videos are about 3 minutes so they keep it interesting and not tedious (Puma Youtube,2013). Furthermore, on Instagram account, they post interesting and colourful pictures for their products and they attract their customers attention to their new product by distributing part of its pictures. For example, they post a picture of their new shoes that called Puma pigeon shoes and it was hidden between pigeons so only part of it can be seen (see appendix 3) (Puma Instagram,2013). Sponsorships: Puma sponsors of many sport teams, players, athletes and even coaches from different countries. It sponsors of many national football teams such as Italy team, Austria team and Switzerland team. What is more, Italy national team won the FIFA World Cup in 2006 and the players were wearing blue Puma shoes (Puma, 2006). Puma also sponsors of running athletics like Usain Bolt and Moses Kipsiro. Usain Bolt is the fastest man in this world (Puma, n.d.). In addition, it sponsors of golfers such as Lexi Thompson who won the Navistar LPGA Classic in 2011 and turned from Novice player to the youngest professional player at golf (Puma, 2011). Events: Puma holds events for different sports in many places in the world to promote their products. For instance, Puma held a campaign SOoo Fast in 2005 which demonstrated the fact that Puma has spirit of hilarity and adventure. The event was about people wearing shoes of Puma SOoo Fast and doing different activates like dancing. The aim of SOoo Fast campaign was to show the physical exertion and mental effort mixed with fun (Modi, 2010). As well as that, there is a calendar for the upcoming events on Puma website to inform people about their events, they update it every month and this month they have 9 upcoming events (see appendix 4). Advertising: Puma advertisements are so colourful, creative and interesting. They use different media to advertise about their products such as TV, social media, banners and posters. Advertising on social media are always attractive and are spoken directly to the customers minds by using the words you, your, we, us and after every shoes advertisement they say share your shoe pictures and tag our account (Puma Twitter, 2013). This way is very useful to the social media users who want to share everything they have and take or buy everything they dont have to share it with others. Moreover, the banners they use are so creative and innovative; sometimes they use animal or background that matches the shoes colours and sometimes they create attractive designs that show the strength of the shoe (see appendix 5). Price:- Cost and discounts: There are varying prices for Puma shoes. According to Puma store on their website the highest cost for a pair of shoes is 220$ -AMP Cell Fusion Golf Shoes- and the lowest one is 55$ -PowerCat 4 IT Indoor Trainers- so they are available for everyones financial condition. Although, there is a discount -more than 20$- on some shoes such as Faas 300 Running Shoes; it was 75$ and now it is 45$. Shipping: Puma store on the official website provides free shipping to its customers who buy a product over 85$ and this is available every day to every customer. Pricing comparison: Compared to Puma competitors prices -Nike and Adidas- Puma has lower prices than them. Puma has reasonable prices which makes it suitable for everyone. Place: Company headquarters: The main Puma headquarter is in Germany at Herzogenaurach city and the other three headquarters are in Boston-USA, London-UK and Hong Kong-China (graphisoft, n.d.). On the puma website they put the address details for all of their headquarters. Online: Puma has official website on World Wide Web The official website establishes everything about Puma brand. The official also gives the customer the ability to find the Puma stores on his country and give him the location of the stores by providing a map of the store. Marketing description:- Inform: Puma keeps informing their costumers about every product that released. Moreover, Puma always gives an idea for its customers about the new shoes by using the suitable media to inform the target audience of the new shoes. They always want their costumers to know every single detail about their new sneakers like where it is made or when it is released. For instance, puma informed their costumers on Instagram, twitter and the Puma official website about the new Puma Mobium Elite shoes and they give lots of details about it. They said where it is from -Germany-, who designed it Ray Horachek -, where the costumer can find them -in every Puma stores- and when it is available -6/2/2013-. They also post a picture about how the Mobium shoes get created (see appendix 6) (Puma Instagram, 2013). Remind: Puma also keeps reminding its costumer about the new shoes to stay in their minds and never forget about it. Moreover, to remind the costumer Puma keeps repeating the new products advertisings in different social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter For example, when it comes to Mobium Elite shoes, Puma did not stop publishing about it on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. They post different pictures of it and tweet about it on Twitter for more than 2 months since it released to remind. Persuade: Puma uses some ways to convince its costumer to buy the shoes. They speak directly to the costumers minds to make them feel that Puma shoes are their shoes and they need to get them. In addition, they show them famous sport players wearing Puma shoes which make the costumer feels that those Puma shoes are not normal because even the popular players wear them. For instance, when they advertised about Mobium Elite shoe, Puma on twitter said Be first to experience Adaptive Running , Prepare for the future of running and They were born to keep moving; those statements captured the customers hearts which makes some of them said Running will never be the same and The Mobium definitely makes me run Faster!. Furthermore, they post a picture of Sabrina Mockenhaupt wearing Mobium Elite shoe; she is a famous long-distance runner from Germany. On twitter they also announced about a contest for the most innovative shoe; everyone who shares a picture of him/her running with Mobium Elite shoe will enter the competition (Puma Running Twitter, 2013). Companys Branding Message:- Puma brand want to deliver its message to its customers minds that they are not a company which produces sport categories just for sports without any other purpose. However, Puma is a company which mixes the sport and the lifestyle together and makes them one brand that called Sportlifestyle. For more clarification, Puma mixes its performance that is all about the strength, agility and technical innovations with the lifestyle that is influences by cultural relevance, leadership style of urban and thrilling design innovation. Puma is trying to give the players from Sportlifestyle brand the joy and it is trying to make them enjoy every joyful moment in every game. Moreover, Puma says from its advertisements that we are making the customer enjoys the sport in his daily life without forgetting the fashion and style influences (Koch, 2012). Everyone who sees the pictures that Puma posts on Instagram can notice its brand message. They upload on their Instagram account pictures of normal people wearing Puma sneakers and doing their daily activities in front of scenes from everyday life. Furthermore, they post pictures which show that Puma shoes designed in certain ways to give their customers the fashion and style. As well as that, they use the PUMAlife, PUMAstyle and Sportlifestyle hash tags with most of their Instagram photos to share them with everyone (see appendix 7). Puma also says it is message directly in its twitter bio PUMA successfully fuses the creative influences from the world of sport, lifestyle fashion. All of the above proves that Puma message is to let everyone feels and lives the joy moments after Puma mixed the sport with the lifestyle. Two Different Advertisements:- First Advertisement: The first advertisement was displayed on a Japanese TV Spot and it is about Puma PowerCat 1.12 shoes (shabba08, 2012). This advertisement shows the journey of a football between PowerCat 1.12 shoes wearers in Japan. Type: TV advertisement URL: Target audience: The target audience of this advertisement is Japanese from both gender girls and boys but mostly for boys -there are six boys who hit the ball and one girl-. The target audiences age is between 15 and 35 so they are all youth -the video shows different ages starting from the footballer who is 29 years old at the begging years to the little boy at the end who looks 15 years old-. Furthermore, when it comes to the financial background of the target audience it is not specific type because as the advertisement shows that the PowerCat 1.12 wearers are from different social positions -some of them dressed nicely football outfits and the others were farmer and villager-. Moreover, as the video shows that the most PowerCat 1.12 wearers are the people who are interesting in football and playing it -PowerCat 1.12 designed as football boots (Elliot, 2011)-. Advantages: Using the captain of the Japanese national team Makoto Hasebe in this advertisement is one of its advantages since the nationality of the target audience is Japanese. Therefore, this is a good way to attract the Japanese people who are interesting in playing football because Makoto Hasebe is one of the most famous football players in Japan. Showing the power and the strength of the PowerCat 1.12 shoes in this advertisement is also another advantage. It shows that every foot wears PowerCat 1.12 shoes get the power to run and jump after the ball no matter where is the player; in stadium, street or even a farm and no matter how old the player 15 or 30. It also shows the strength on the player face when he is hitting the ball with PowerCat 1.12 shoes and the joy and happiness after hitting the ball. Disadvantages: Using only one girl in this advertisement is not enough to show that this product is also for girls. If someone watch it for one time only, he will notice and remember the six boys but he will not remember the girl. To deliver the message that this product for both genders, there should be more girls who are wearing PowerCat 1.12 shoes; regardless of the fact that she was not wearing PowerCat 1.12 shoes but got the power to hit the ball from the guy who was next to her and he was handling PowerCat 1.12 shoes on his shoulder. Using this kind of idea for football commercials -passing the football around the world and then back to the playground- has became so familiar, commonplace and hackneyed. This kind of advertisement has being used a lot, so now it is not that much interesting to the viewers because the customers want new ideas to attract them, to steal their hearts and to persuade them to buy the product. Second Advertisement: The second advertisement is contributed on Puma official website online and it is about Puma evoSPEED shoes (Puma, 2012). This advertisement shows the speed of those shoes and how can anyone become fast just by wearing them. Type: Online video URL: Target audience: The target audience of this advertisement are men from everywhere in the world who are youth and about 24 to 35 years old. In addition, this advertisement is directed to the sport players and the people who are doing those activities; the sports are running, football, cricket, golf and motor racing. This advertisement shows the players who are popular in playing those sports and they are from different countries, so this proves what I said before. Moreover, it is for the people who want the speed and want to be fast like Usain Bolt the fastest person on the earth. Advantages: Using the fastest man in the world Usain Bolt in this advertisement to present the evoSPEED shoes is a really useful way to attract the people who want to be faster and to persuade them to buy the those shoes. As well as that, it gives the customer an idea about from where Bolt gets his speed and gives them an opportunity to be like Bolt and get the speed of Bolt. Using a treadmill for the sport players to race on it and also the speed of this treadmill is the speed of evoSPEED is a great idea to show the rated speed that evoSPEED shoes have. They show that everyone could not handle the speed of treadmill which is the evoSPEED but only the one who was wearing them was able to keep up with the treadmills speed. This was an amazing way to inform the customers about the features of evoSPEED shoes. Disadvantages: In the advertisement they make the golfer Rickie Fowler faster than the footballer Sergio Agà ¼ero and the cricketer Yuvraj Singh. This is not true in the real life because Sergio Agà ¼ero is faster than him and how can a golfer be faster than footballer. As a result, this kills the credibility of a good concept for a commercial. Using F1 driver Fernando Alonso for such an advertisement about how to speed up your feet is useless because F1 drivers do not race using their feet, they race using cars. Therefore, the customers will not feel the need to have evoSPEED shoes for a motor race cause they only need to speed up their cars to win. Rather than using F1 driver who only need a fast car, they could use a basketball player who really needs quick feet. S.W.O.T Analysis:- Strengths: Puma is a well-none company and it is recognized in the worldwide at the shoes field because it has been established since 1948 and it started producing shoes since that time. Furthermore, for now most of Puma profits come from selling footwear -48.8 %-. As well as that, Puma has about 80 stores around the world in different countries that sell their shoes (Puma, 2013). Puma is sponsoring of many famous players and teams in various sports and the most important thing that they are sponsored of the fastest man on the earth Usain Bolt which can make Puma the best in the running shoes field compared with the competitors (Sammy, n.d.). Puma has great, different, innovative, unique and modern shoes designs and some of the Puma shoes designers are taking the idea of the shoes from some animals and getting inspired by them like what Raymond Horaceks idea for the Mobium shoes; he get inspired by cats to create those shoes (Puma Youtube,2013). That can be a good point for puma to be different that its competitors Nike and Adidas. Puma has an excellent management and good employees, staff and teams who manage the work and create the shoes. As what Owen Shifflett (Puma designer) said that Puma teams work together, they face the challenges together and they are friendly which make them try to create the best shoes every time (Shifflett, 2011) Weaknesses: Compared to the top Pumas competitors -Nike and Adidas- Puma has the lowest market shares in the athletic footwear which it is 7% while 31% for Nike and 16% for Adidas (see appendix 8) which creates a negative effect in the costumers minds. Puma focuses on some sports like football, running and golf and produces the most innovative shoes for them while neglect some other important sport such as basketball and swimming. While Nike and Adidas produce shoes for every sport even basketball since it is an important sport. This is can be knowing just by looking at the Puma official website cause there is no basketball section. Compared to the competitors Nike and Adidas, Puma has less financial strength than them and they get less money from its sales than them. In 2012, Puma got 3.27 million euro from selling its products while Adidas got 14.88 million euro (see appendix 9). Opportunities: Big events like Olympic and Boston marathon can be a great opportunity to raise their sales since Puma is really good at producing running shoes. Since the Pumas competitors are huge companies which they only use professional designers, Puma can take a step forward and cooperate with young designers to mentor them and to bring out their creativity so they will have professional designers in the future. Puma is starting to use technology to produce light width shoes such as the Puma tennis shoes which have been injected with light foam materials (apsense, 2011). Puma can focus more on lifestyle and fashion to become the first Sportlifestyle brand in the world to reach one of its goals (Puma, 2012). To became also different than its competitors. Puma can increase the health awareness campaigns to give the brand a good image. For example, make a new campaign like the campaign that held in 2012 which called Puma Project Pink to fight against breast cancer and to play football no matter what (Puma YouTube, 2012). Threats: Designs and ideas of Puma shoes are being copied and imitated by the competitive companies which sometimes they make shoes better than Puma shoes. Since the competitors are better than Puma, they get the advantage of being the best in producing shoes so that Puma lose its customers. Some of Pumas Asian competitors copy the Puma shoes designs and produce the same style of shoes with the Puma logo on them in cheaper prices. Therefore, Puma lose their customers who are looking for lower prices (shoesobsessions, 2009). There are many competitors outside that are competing Puma and trying to be better than it in the footwears field (hoovers, n.d.). As a result, it makes it hard to Puma to stay on the top because of the high competition. Nowadays, it needs a lot of money to sponsor an excellent sport players; millions of dollars. Therefore, Puma cannot make much sponsorship of the top good players since it has low financial strength so they cannot use many good players to advertise about their shoes. Appendix:- Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Untitled-1.gif Appendix 3: Appendix 4:301c80dea44e11e2b51f22000a9f4da7_7.jpg events.png Appendix 5: Appendix 6: creative-shoes.gif3b7b5674707f11e2b56022000a9f1354_7.jpg Appendix 7: Appendix 8:350px-Footwear_market_shares.pnghashtag.jpg Appendix 9:
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Noise Pollution Essay -- environment environmental
Noise Pollution Noise pollution is not a necessary price to pay for living in an industrial society. Much can be done to reduce the severity of the problem. For example, vehicles and other machines can be built to produce less noise. Four-cycle engines can replace much noisier two-cycle engines in such products as lawnmowers, motorboats, and jet skis. Labels that indicate the noise levels of appliances and tools can help consumers avoid noisy products and choose quieter alternatives. Even after noise is generated, steps can be taken to reduce human exposure to it. At homes or in offices, insulation of walls and double-glazing of windows can muffle sound from traffic, neighbors, and other sources from the outside world. Sound walls along highways can shield nearby neighborhoods from traffic noise. Individuals should protect themselves with earplugs or mufflike ear protectors, particularly when noise levels exceed 85 decibels. In the industrialized nations, governments have laws and policies to counter noise pollution. In the United States, at least six federal agencies are involved in controlling noise pollution. Since 1969 the FAA has monitored and controlled noise from airplanes. The agency requires that new aircraft meet specified noise standards and that old ones be retrofitted or retired. Local airport authorities, with FAA approval, reduce the impacts of noise pollution by routing flights over water or unpopulated areas on takeoff and landing, and by limiti...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Evaluate the case for cutting public expenditure rather Essay
A fiscal deficit is when a government’s total expenditures exceed the tax revenues that it generates. A budget deficit can be cut by either reducing public expenditure or raising taxes. In this essay, I am going to analyse the benefits and costs of increasing tax rates to reduce fiscal deficits instead of cutting government expenditure. First of all, if the government decides to cut current public expenditure, it will lead to a reduced quantity and quality of public goods and service. For example, closing NHS direct call centres down which results in lower living standard. Moreover as the spending in sectors such as healthcare and education is cut, these services may need to redundant staff to stay within their new budgets. For instance if the NHS’s budget is cut they will lay-off additional staff. Those public sector workers may find it difficult to find a new job in private sector if they are not competitive enough to compete with other people in the labour market, leading to higher unemployment conflicting with the government macroeconomic objective of low unemployment rate. Also higher unemployment will mean less income tax revenue, lower VAT receipts, higher welfare payments, as well as lower standards of living. If the government is to cut capital expenditure this is the type of expenditure that expands LRAS. It might not cause serious problems in short run, however in long run less spending on for example education and healthcare will result in a less educated and skilled workforce and a less healthy workforce. The negative effects of inadequate skilled human capital in the long run include lower productivity which makes the economy less competitive internationally compared with for example Germany. It in turn leads to deterioration on balance of payment, economic stagnant growth and inflationary pressure as labour costs increase. Thirdly, government spending is an injection into the circular flow of income. A decrease in the government spending will incur negative wealth effect and therefore lead to weaker economic growth. In addition, the government spending is one of the components of aggregate demand, consequently, lower GDP. In a demand-deficient recession, consumption and investment tend to decrease due to lower income and revenue, the (X-M) component tends to level off or worsen in short run, which makes government spending an essential device to stimulate the economy. Therefore a decrease in the government spending will cause an even deeper recession and a larger budget deficit. Last but not least, a decrease in government spending could mean worse income distribution compared with increasing progressive tax. This is because transfer payment forms almost a third of the governments budgets and so by cutting expenditure it is very likely that it will also be cut making the poor poorer and widening the gap. On the other hand, taxes could be increased progressively by for example increasing marginal income taxes so that the people with high income pay more than the poor narrowing the gap between. However, there are also some drawbacks associated with raising taxes. Tax is a form of leakage from the circular flow of income leading to negative multiplier effect. If the government increases income tax rates, it might create disincentives to work. It is because when income tax increases, the opportunity cost for leisure time decreases; and people will have to work longer hours to earn the same disposable income. Some people may therefore prefer claiming Jobseekers’ Allowance instead of working. If the corporation tax is to be increased, there will be disincentive for firms to locate in the UK, leading to less investment and corporation tax revenues. Additionally, an increase in the National Insurance may discourage firms taking more employers as the NI is paid per employee. Secondly, if the government raises higher income by increasing indirect taxes for example VAT, it may also have problems. It shifts the SRAS curve to the left as the cost of production increases. And it may therefore push up the price level and reduce the level of output. Moreover, indirect taxes are regressive taxes, which impose a greater burden relative to the incomes on the poor than on the rich. Thirdly, as the public sector is basically non-profit, their allocation of resources believed to be less efficient than the profit-making private sector firms. Therefore reducing public expenditure may lead to greater efficiency and productivity by for example removing unnecessary layer of management hence more effective communication and better service provided by the public sector. Last but not least, the choices between the two possible ways and their effects depend on the macroeconomic situation- for example the unemployment rate and the size of the public sector. If the size of the public sector is small, the adjustment on government spending might not be very large and the effect on budget deficit wouldn’t be significant. If the unemployment rate is high, for example 26% general rate and 50% youth rate in Spain, making it very hard to raise taxes. Apparently, both reducing government spending and increasing tax rates will lead to a lower AD, but they will have different other effects. Therefore the choice between this two may depend on macroeconomic situation and what the government is focusing on achieving. VICKKIE
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Analysing St Francis In Ecstasy Religion Essay Essay Example
Analysing St Francis In Ecstasy Religion Essay Essay Example Analysing St Francis In Ecstasy Religion Essay Paper Analysing St Francis In Ecstasy Religion Essay Paper The Philbrook Museum of Art in Tulsa houses several pieces of art work from the Renaissance epoch that trade with spiritual subjects. One peculiarly interesting illustration of Renaissance art work is Bernardo Strozzi s St. Francis in Ecstasy ( fourteenth century ) . This painting refers to Francis of Assisi, birth name Giovanni di Bernardone. Francis was known as the frequenter saint of the animate beings, environment, and of Italy. He was born into a wealth merchandiser household in 1182. In 1201 he joined the war between his hometown and the nearby town of Perugia. During this clip he was captured and was a captive for a twelvemonth. Following this he fell earnestly sick and therefore began his transition. In 1209 he began the creative activity of a new spiritual order based on entire poorness and sermon. Francis so took his first followings to acquire permission from Pope Innocent III to do it official. Once the order was approved they chose the name of Friars Minor intending sm allest of us which refered to the Gospels ( Matthew 25:40-45 ) . In 1212 a adult female by the name of Claire so joined Francis and was so converted. The transition of Claire set the foundation for the Poor Claires which is the 2nd Franciscan order. The Third Order was created in 1221 and was dedicated to the layman, leting everyone to acknowledge Christ without abdicating the secular universe. During the sixteenth century he gained a batch of acknowledgment through pictures, more so than during his clip in the 13th and 14th centuries for his spiritual work and spiritual art being prevalent in this period. Bernardo Strozzi was an Italian painter born in 1581. By the age of 17 he joined a monastery and finally left 10 old ages subsequently to take attention of his sick female parent after the passing of his male parent. During this clip he sold painting to gain a life. His pictures conveyed the Franciscan instructions from his instruction at the monastery. Strozzi sold his picture for many old ages and was so tried for practising art without being decently licensed. After being tried he spent a short period of clip in gaol for his offense. Five old ages subsequently Strozzi s female parent died and he relocated to Genoa and continued picture and became really good known for his endowment. [ 2^ ] [ 6^ ] During the period that Strozzi was caring for his female parent he created St. Francis in Ecstasy. During this clip Christian art was really popular and with it was the usage of saints in every type of work. Saints are thought to be the ears of God and everything or state of affairs has a saint. Strozzi used many different saints in his plants and one if his most noteworthy plants he used St. Francis of Assisi. Harmonizing to Terry Jones, St. Francis took the Gospels as the regulation of his life, Jesus Christ as his actual illustration. He dressed in unsmooth apparels, begged for his nutriment, and preached pureness and peace. His household disapproved, and his male parent disinherited him ; Francis officially renounced his wealth and heritage. He visited infirmaries, served the ill, preached in the streets, and took all work forces and adult females as siblings, visited and preached to the Saracens, composed vocals and anthem to God and nature, lived with animate beings, worked wi th his custodies, cared for lazars, cleaned churches, and sent nutrient to stealers. He began to pull followings in 1209, and with apostolic approval, founded the Franciscans based on a simple statement by Jesus: Leave all and follow me. In 1212 Clare of Assisi became his religious pupil, which led to the initiation of the Poor Clares. In 1221 he resigned way of the Franciscans. While in speculation on Mount Alvernia in the Apennines in September 1224, Francis received the stigmata, which sporadically bled during the staying two old ages of his life. This miracle has a separate commemoration on 17 September. [ 2^ ] [ 5^ ] The chief focal point of this picture is the aura, besides referred to as a rain cloud. This is placed behind the caputs of spiritual figures and symbolizes ageless life or infinity. Strozzi had non come out of his Carravogesque wonts being that this is an early work and hence utilizations deep colourss conveying decease. The contrast between the dark back land and the aura makes this the focal point of the picture. The look on St. Francis face suggests that he is holding a really passionate experience looking upward presumptively toward Eden. [ 1^ ] When looking at this painting the focal point seems to travel, get downing at the part that is brighter being the caput and so in an upward diagonal gesture towards the upper right part of the picture. In this corner is Jesus on the cross. Throughout the picture Strozzi does non utilize lines except on the cross. Aside from the texture of the pigment there is besides no knowing texture added. Traveling from the cross down to the organic structure of St. Francis you can besides see that the usage of overlapping as the legs curtain over the arm. The rope belt that is seen contains knots, which is used in most pictures incorporating St. Francis, is a signifier of symbolism for poorness, celibacy, and obeisance. [ 1^ ] Last the focal point comes upon an unfastened book resting on a skull. By and large when there is a book it represents the word of God ( Bible ) . An unfastened book represents truth or disclosure. The skull resting underneath the book is understood to stand for decease. Puting the two together can be interpreted in many ways. The representation of these figures in this picture is most likely a statement about St. Francis realisation of his ain mortality. His disclosure may hold been that he knew that with decease came finalisation, nevertheless through the word of God his thoughts and beliefs could be carried on past his ain decease. [ 1^ ] [ 3^ ] [ 1^ ] Symbols in Christian Art A ; Architecture. Web. 01 Feb. 2010. hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 2^ ] Saint Francis of Assisi. Web. 01 Feb. 2010. hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 3^ ] Strozzi, Bernardo. St. Francis in Ecstasy. Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa, OK. Philbrook Museum of Art. Web. 01 Feb. 2010. hypertext transfer protocol: // page=22 [ 4^ ] Historical Sketch of the Order of Friars Minor. ORDO FRATRUM MINORUM. Web. 01 Feb. 2010. hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 5^ ] Symbols of the Saints in Art. The Whys and Hows of Traditional Catholicism. Web. 01 Feb. 2010. hypertext transfer protocol: // [ 6^ ] Bernardo Strozzi Biography ( 1581 1644 ) . The Humanistic disciplines: Fine Art, Contemporary Art A ; Music. Web. 20 Feb. 2010. hypertext transfer protocol: //
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Information Systems Concepts
Information Systems Concepts Free Online Research Papers The accuracy of data input is extremely important in any organization, whether small or large. Many data input methods exist but not all are created equally and some are better than others. Printed questionnaires can prove to be a rather challenging form of data input. Often, these questionnaires require respondents to fill in answers by hand. This method can often prove inaccurate because the person whom is responsible for recording the finding from the questionnaire may not be able to read every respondent’s handwriting. Another downfall to this method is the fact that a greater chance of error exists because there can be several steps to recording this information before results are given on a final report. Usually a process of reading, transcribing and recording into a final database is in place. In most cases the more steps that the process involves, the greater the risk for error increases. One suggestion to eliminate many of these errors is to scan the results mechanica lly. Although machines are only as smart as the operator, using machines reduced the chance of error because the machine can often scan the input more thoroughly than humans. (Stair Reynolds, 2003, p. 60) Another data input method is telephone surveys. Once again if the proper precautions are not taken to ensure accuracy, room for error exists. One of the best methods to decrease any chances of human error is to use some kind of voice recorder or voice recognition software that automatically records the results into a computer or any other storage device. Human translation errors may still occur with these methods if the particular speech of the person being interviewed is not taken into consideration. Voice recognition methods must be set up for the particular individual being interviewed to help to alleviate these errors. (Stair Reynolds, 2003, p. 59). A third method of data input involves bank checks. Banks have a systematic method put into place to input accurately this important and vital information. This method involves digitally processing and capturing information. Information is encoded onto bank checks and optically read with special equipment. A magnetic ink character recognition device is used for output of this information. These devices are specially made to recognize the information encoded on bank checks by the institution. (Stair Reynolds, 2003, p. 60). Retail tags are also an important place where data input is vital. Retail stores use tags to encode special information on merchandise such as product type and store location. Bar codes are used for this purpose and special scanners must be used to gather this information from the bar codes. Once the information is scanned, the information is sent and stored in some type of storage device for later analysis. A final method of data input involves the use of long documents. Entering data from long documents can prove to be tedious and quite inconvenient. Therefore, the best method for data input of long documents involves scanning the document and using character recognition software to ensure accuracy. To further ensure accuracy, the original documents should be high contrast and little notation should be present. (Stair Reynolds, 2003, pp. 3, 60). While this paper has discussed input methods, output is just as important. Input data would do little good if one could not ensure output. One method of output is color photography. Color photography can be extremely useful in showing important details of the output. Output quality is at its highest when high quality materials are used. The use of a high quality photo printer and photographic paper guarantees the highest level of accuracy. Special photographic editing software is a useful tool to aid in the process of preparing photographs to be transmitted. (Stair Reynolds, 2003, pp. 33, 60, 62). Resumes are another method of output. Resumes are extremely important documents that showcase a person’s job potential in a written format. For this reason, accuracy is a key component in the transmission of these documents. The use of portable document format (PDF) digital document files is essential to transmit these important files. These files are then transmitted to printers that print these documents on special paper for optimal results. Besides being printed on paper, resumes can easily be sent electronically through the use of e-mail. Memorandums are another important source of output. Memos are often prepared using a word processor and printed using a high quality ink jet or a laser jet printer. (Stair Reynolds, 2003, p. 81). Statistical reports are another form of output. For these reports, legible information is critical. For this reason, the report should be transmitted to a high quality printer directly from a statistical software application. Finally, company annual reports are a source of output. These reports should be output using portable document format transmitted to a high quality printer. The printer should then be equipped with high gloss paper to ensure premium output. (Stair Reynolds, 2003, p. 82). Handheld computers have become extremely popular in today’s tech savvy world. Convenience has become the demand for professionals on the go, so the use of handheld computers and personal digital assistants or PDAs has been on the rise. With the use of PDAs, one had access to e-mails and other important resources to get their job done quickly, efficiently, and conveniently. The invention of PDAs has brought a higher level of convenience and output. Storage devices are not created equally. Certain devices are better for specific purposes. One form of storage device is the hard disk. Operating systems, files that are used on regular basis, and software applications are stored on these devices. Floppy disks are also used for storage. These devices are best used when files and applications need to be in a portable format. Floppy disks are best used to store smaller files. Other methods need to be used to ensure the proper storage of larger files. Another type of storage device is RAM. A computer uses RAM to store temporarily things such as applications in use, documents that are currently being prepared, web pages and files essential to the function of the computer. Larger files and applications are stored on CD-ROM. These files can serve as a backup copy to the original file. These files are not often used on a regular basis. Tape is another storage device most suitable for massive amounts of data needing to be duplicated for off -site storage or for use in system restoration. Not only is RAM, hard disks, CD-ROMs and floppy disks means of data storage, but they also help determine the speed of a computer. RAM determines the speed of a computer because of the capacity and speed of the device. The capacity of RAM directly effects how much data can be processed at a single time and the RAM’s speed effects how fast RAM can function with the computer or input-output system. Clock speed is another determining factor for the speed of a computer. Clock speed refers to the speed of the central processing unit or CPU. If a computer has a faster clock speed, the computer will be able to complete more tasks in a given period. Another factor for the speed of a computer is data on hard disks. Data caches and rotation speed affect processing time. Much like data on hard disks, data on CD-ROMs have to be accessed in order to be used. Data on CD-ROM is subject to space restrictions and in most cases take more time to access than data on hard disks. The final means o f data storage and determining factor of computer speed is floppy disks. Floppy disks tend to be slower than any other means of data storage and have a severely lower level of storage capacity than any of the other means. Reference Stair, R. M., Reynolds, G. W. (2003). Fundamentals of Information Technology (2nd ed.). Boston: Course Technology. Research Papers on Information Systems ConceptsIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalThe Project Managment Office SystemResearch Process Part OneBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseOpen Architechture a white paperAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaStandardized TestingDefinition of Export Quotas
Monday, November 4, 2019
Current Sources of Basic Legislation in the UK Case Study
Current Sources of Basic Legislation in the UK - Case Study Example A company is said to be a private limited liability company if it is incorporated under the laws of either of the following: Scotland, England, Republic of Ireland, and Wales. In addition its shares are strictly limited to a specific group of shareholders but not the general public, consequently cannot be put for trading on a commercial stock exchange.1 The fact that the company is limited by shares is an indication of the presence and ownership of company capital by shareholders who are equally bound by the company's liability to creditors and other third-party institutions and agents. Going by the conventional rules governing the issuance of shares, shareholders and their personal effects are legally insulated from confiscation during insolvency save the value of the premium paid and the nominal value of the shares owned and issued by the company. According to the laws of the United Kingdom, all private limited liability companies are mandated to bear the suffix "Limited" abbreviated as "Ltd." The Case of John and his Partners Suffice to begin this section with a definite reference to the new Company and Companies Act 2006, will serve as the main reference framework of this paper. According to the act which will become functional in the last quarter of this year.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Summary Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Summary Report - Essay Example igation in different terms, policies and steps to prevent the change, and some other crucial factors that pose hinders in the way of the mitigation of climate change. In the context of growing concern for the global warming â€Å"Summery For Policymakers†is an attempt to save the environment from further disasters caused by global warming. During the recent years the changes that are evidenced in the climate of the world, are a matter of great concern for the scientists and the common people of the world. The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report attempts to find out the ways of mitigation of climate change. For the sake of conveniences, the report renders various aspects of climate change, such as social, environmental, economic aspects, in order to accomplish the task of mitigation fruitfully. The report mainly focuses on the following topics: the trend in the emission of Greenhouse Gas, its mitigation in different terms, policies and steps to prevent the change, and some other crucial factors that pose hinders in the way of the mitigation of climate change. Studies show that emissions of Greenhouse Gas have increased seventy percent over the years from 1970 to 2004. Both man-made and natural factors are responsible for the increase of the emission of the Greenhouse gas. Among the human activity related factors development of science and increasing use of technologies are the major factors that are the most responsible for the apparently abrupt growth rate of green house gases- carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, etc. â€Å"The emissions of these gases have increased at different rates†(IPCC, 2007, p. 3). In the study, a thing is remarkable that the emission of greenhouse gases was violent around the years from 1990 to 2004. During these years the violent emissions of Greenhouse gases occurred mainly in the energy supply sector. The emission rate is about 145 percent. The emission scenario is as following: 120 percent from transport, from industry 65 percent, from
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